Andorra La Vella is the capital of the mountain state of Andorra and is located about 200 kilometers north of Barcelona. The city stretches like an elongated ribbon in the Valira valley between mountains over 2,000 meters high. The view that you have from every place in the city is therefore phenomenal and that makes a walk through the city so special. In addition to all that natural beauty, Andorra La Vella also has a lot to offer on a cultural level, with eye-catchers such as St. Stephen's Church, the Parc Central, the Engordany Bridge, ... and a dozen other sights that will ensure that a trip to this unique city will definitely be worth it!
Difficulty level: Hard (80/100)
Length: 7.66 km
Duration: 01h31
Total ascent: 115 m
Maximal slope: 8.7 %
Average slope: 0 %
Net ascent: 1 m
Total descent: 114 m
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