LFNS 13Jun08 - The Paraskevidekatriaphobia Skate

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Fuente: Dromos

18.8 km
165 m

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413 visitas | Pública

Último verificado: 6 enero 2023

Descripción por el autor

Watch out for black cats, avoid mirrors and ladders and, by all means, don't spill the salt. Most people will probably have realized, this week's skate is on Friday the 13th, a date commonly associated with bad luck.
So, all day long, millions of superstitious skaters across the country will hold their breath anticipating misfortune, or, even worse, rain. Others will avoid leaving the house altogether, refusing to drive, shop or work on the ill-fated day.
But whether you're a true paraskevidekatriaphobe (a person with an irrational fear of Friday the 13th) or just mildly suspicious: Touch wood, cross your fingers, and pop that lucky rabbit’s foot in your pocket – and there will be an almost five-to-one chance that it won't rain at all that evening!
Half time will be at Joan St, just off Southwark Station, the route is 12.1 miles long.


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