Burgundy Canal Tour: Stage 12: Clamecy to Auxerre

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59.8 km
270 m

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574 visitas | Pública

Descripción por el autor

Found it quite difficult to find our way out of Clamecy.
The way marked route disappears at just about the first junction! We were not alone- several other riders had the same difficulty.

We found the D144 to Surgy and joined the Canal at Floret.

At Coulanges you have a choice of routes. Here the signs run out and you can either go over over the hill (D39) or along the canal side road (D21). We choose the hill to enjoy the views.

The run from Merry along the canal side we thought was very beautiful.

The route finding from here is straight forward - taking the D163 through Vaux from Champs into Auxerre.

We stayed at the Hotel Le Seignelay. I would not recommend this in any way- the worst breaakfast of all the tour.

We did have very good dinner at the resturant Bounty on the quayside.


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