Sonian Forest: Hiking and sightseeing in cadence (14.5km)

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14.5 km
152 m

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26888 visitas | Pública | FrancésNeerlandés

Último verificado: 21 abril 2023
Traducido por Azure

Descripción por el autor

Hiking/track through much of the Sonian Forest 14.5km
The best historical sites of this forest are included in this loop.
If 14.5 km of walking is not feasible for your children, then it can be an educational and relaxing trip in the forest of which only 2 "to see" are not made:

Starting point: Groenendaal railway station (also a large car park)

What will you see/feel:
1.La Sonian Forest has plenty of treasure trove of trails under the trees, away from the busy streets/highways it crosses.
2. Groenendaal domain where you go at the beginning and end. At first, a subsection was taken under the RO (eastern ring around Brussels) and the Ganzepootvijvers.
3. We pass the South Arboretum first.
4. Via the Koninginnepad, we go to the Boswachtersmonument.
5. Just cross the bustling Harasdreef, after which the somewhat long path goes to the two Roman tumuli.
6. Via the Tumuliweg (we retrace our steps for a while), we NO LONGER cross the railway at a special place (waiting for the train!!!)?. DON'T GO ANY FURTHER ALONG THE ECO BRIDGE (it's for animals): FORESTER FEEDBACK!!!. The only option here seems to be to cross the railway line via the Van Kerm-dreef to the N275 Terhuplsesteenweg (CROWD: BEWARE THERE!!!!). Then, on the east side, through the end of the arboretum, and at the end we pass the Jan-Van-Ruusbroec-Bosmuseum.
7.Via the special bridge for pedestrians and cyclists, we cross the RO to return to our starting point. We then drove 14.4 km.

Simple and good.


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