Pennine Way (Edale to Crowden)

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16.5 mi
2080 ft

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3499 views | Public

Last verified: 4 January 2023

Description by the author

The Pennine Way is a National Trail in England, with a small section in Scotland. The trail runs 267 miles (429 km) from Edale, in the northern Derbyshire Peak District, north through the Yorkshire Dales and the Northumberland National Park and ends at Kirk Yetholm, just inside the Scottish border. The path runs along the Pennine hills, sometimes described as the "backbone of England". Although not the United Kingdom's longest National Trail (this distinction belongs to the 630-mile (1,014 km) long South West Coast Path), it is according to the Ramblers' Association "one of Britain's best known and toughest".

More info on Wikipedia Wikipedia and Openstreetmap.
Inspired by OSM.

Roads help
Appropriateness as Walking route: 0 comment
Paved: Paved (17.67% - 5 km unpaved)
Traffic load: traffic (low traffic)
Noise pollution: noise

Landscape Characteristics help
Nature landscape: nature
Urbanized area: urban
Near water: water

Dominant direction(gdir) help
dir:23% dir:23% dir:19% dir:24%

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