Cycling and walking bridge E19, Barebeek-Zenne walk (Weerde-Hofstade) (8K loop)

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7.95 km
6 m

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2362 Aufrufe | Öffentlich | Niederländisch

Zuletzt überprüft: 21 April 2023
Übersetzt von Azure

Beschreibung vom Autor

Walking/walking on paths in and between Weerde and Hofstade. Very varied walking loop for children (some scrambling, between trees and along the Senne and Barebeek water; including various pit stop options in green places.

Departure and arrival is at the Church in Hofstade. You can of course start the loop at any other point, such as at the parking lot near the Broekstraat on the Schumanlaan.

In order of the GPX with departure at the Schumanlaan-Broekstraat, the following 'nature reserves' are completed:
-Schumanlaan roadside at bicycle crossing;
-loop Geuzenhoek on Barebeek left bank;
-(bicycle crossing Schumanlaan);
-Vriezenbroek on the Barebeek left bank;
-Barebeek crossing on (foot)road 26-48 under railway line 27B;
-Central low-traffic passage through Hofstade center along the old footpath 48;
-Gasthuishofbos, Oude Zemstsesteenweg with Barebeek crossing, oude Broekstraat between Zemst and Elewijt;
-Senne crossing to left bank on the old (foot) road 26-48 on the railway line 27B;
-The old Hayenhof (dump Weerde and boommkwekerij) between the E19 and the left bank Zenne (north of the railway line 27B);
-Zennebos left bank Senne south of the railway line 27B;
-Senne crossing to right bank;

Gnomes have cleaned up certain hard-to-get ones. Still, it remains to watch out for hidden small sand pits, and some thorns and nettles after the spring growth spurt.
However, she is highly recommended:
-->the many beautiful observation points and panoramas over the Barebeek and Zennemeanders,
-felling of beavers on the Senne
-->several centennial paths (Broekstraat, Oude Zemstsesteenweg, Gasthuishofweg; see the POI with Ferraris map overlay of this loop: ),
-->some relatively unknown green spots along the E19 (Vredesbos, Hayenhof), on top of the known green spots (Weerdse visput, Bos Gasthuishof, Vriezenbroek).
-Art in a tree

In the summer, the vegetation can make the passage and visibility a bit more difficult. In autumn, winter and spring, before the growth spurt, the passage is easier and the visibility much better.

In 5 different places, the E19 has cut through old frequently used (foot) roads. You can notice these on the POIs of this loop. Further information can be found here:

Are you really keen to do a longer walk / walk on the old Neighborhood Roads in the area? Here's a tip.:
Read the explanation first because this loop is not for the faint of heart. Mar is highly recommended for those for whom this family and adventure walk of 8km is insufficient.


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