Trail Le Chevalier du Tombeau in Moulain Willaime (38km)

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38.2 km
1405 m

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1200 Aufrufe | Öffentlich | FranzösischNiederländisch

Zuletzt überprüft: 21 April 2023
Übersetzt von Azure

Beschreibung vom Autor

Start and finish of the trail du Chevalier is at the Moulain Willaime farm (Alt. 260m).
While waiting for the Knight, the Orval that is served is of superior quality.

The flat walking distance of this trail is 38.18 km. The actual walking distance (taking into account altimeters of 1,405 m for walking) is 39.26 km.

This trail is entirely located in the forests of Chiny, Ste-Cécile, Herbeumont and Les Épioux. In total, 5 long tracks are visited and two smaller ones.
First of all, the two smallest are made, the first of which is particularly spicy. This takes you from the meander of the Semois (Boult) to the castle of Herbeumont (passing through its back). Once arrived at the parking lot of the castle, a round is first made around the castle to admire the castle and the surroundings of the Knight, his tomb and his castle.
Then the road is taken for a short kilometer on the other side of the Semois, from where all the subsequent journey is car-free. Immediately above the Semois is left in the forest to take a second short slope, to return to the bank of the Semois. From there, the 5 long slopes are taken one after the other.

The first part of the loop offers you several beautiful views of the Semoismeanders and the surrounding area, The second part is an alternation of trails just along the Semois and hills between the Semoismeanders.

This loop runs along several sections of authentic and vast deciduous forests where you sometimes have to pay close attention to where the path to follow is.
There is a good chance that you will cross your path with deer, wild boar or deer!

Enjoy this beautiful piece of untouched and vast nature!


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