Mortirolo Pass - Gavia Pass

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114 km
3464 m

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Informació de la ruta

7392 visites | Pública | ItaliàNeerlandès

Última verificació: 21 abril 2023
Traduït per Azure

Descripció de l'autor

This route starts in Bormio and passes through alternative roads to the village of Mazzo di Valtellina. In this way we avoid the busy SS38. From here starts one of the hardest climbs. The heavy Mortirolo Pass (also called Passo di Coppa) with a length of 12.4 km and an average of 10.5%. A severe ordeal with peaks of up to 18%. From the top we descend and cycle to Ponte di Legno. From here begins the ascent to Passo di Gavia. A nice climb of 17.3 km and an average of 7.9%. Getting to the top is the White Lake. From here you descend again to Bormio.


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