Letterkeen loop walk Ireland

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12.8 km
232 m

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69 visites | Pública | Neerlandès

Última verificació: 19 abril 2023
Traduït per Azure

Descripció de l'autor

https://www.irishtrails.ie/Trail/Letterkeen-loop/492/ I recorded this route on 4/7/2019 Day 1 of the iml walks in Ireland. With all the dry weather it was dry underfoot and it was well marked with poles on regular stages along the walk, this was a lovely walk and it is an honour to those who put the work into creating such a beautiful track through such stunning scenery, the views were amazing- only in Ireland can you get a swamp on a 45 degree slope! Well worth it though with stunning views from the upper slopes. Wait an extra hour if there has been a lot of rain. Can be a very wet trail in some parts during wet weather. The hike well worth it just for the view from the top - stunning views and relaxing path down to the end.


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