The 8 of the Nekker and the Broek, Mechelen (10km)

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10.1 km
36 m

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7181 visites | Pública | Neerlandès

Última verificació: 21 abril 2023
Traduït per Azure

Descripció de l'autor

This loop in the shape of a flat 8 takes you past De Nekker and the Mechels Broek.

The starting point of the GPX is located on the north side of the parking lot of De Nekker. It first goes along the north side of the Nekkervijver and then follows it in a southerly direction. This southern path has a beautiful view over the Nekker (right side) and the Mechels Broek (left) and leads to the Dijle. Take a left and follow the Dijle to the Muizenbrug. To the left of this you have a beautiful view of the Broek.
Before the Mouse Bridge, take the first street on the left and enclose the Broek via this road (except local traffic, walk / walk on the left to see the traffic coming!). 150 meters before the T you have a sign from Natuurpunt on the left, which indicates the path that goes past a cowshed between the horse pastures to a grove. Take this road and follow them over a bridge on the Vrouwvliet. You now have to go through built-up area and you pass the castle Befferhof on the north side of the Broek. There we go back south into the Broek (over the Vrouwvliet and past cow gates!) and take the path between Het Broek and De Nekker towards Dijle.

At the Dijle we now take the right (beautiful view over De Nekker and the Dijlemeanders), and after the sas in the Dijlever discount take the right to arrive at our departure point.

Walk / quiet walk / bike ride in the quiet nature of a water-rich area on the Mechelen.

See the POIs: M
By bike you occasionally have to cross a bridge (get off) and cross some cow gates (lift the bike).
You will also notice a lot of views, meanders and other sights in this green part of Mechelen on the POIs. So plan this beautiful 8!
You will certainly encounter the Nekker (tormentor) during this 10km!


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