Sunday walk Asbeek - Essene

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5.24 km
32 m

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3858 visites | Pública | Neerlandès

Última verificació: 21 abril 2023
Traduït per Azure

Descripció de l'autor

With our backs to the church we step left, and then turn right towards Pullewouwe. We always walk straight until the Pullewouwe takes a right turn and take it (! straight ahead is also Pullewouwe). After the first bend we walk straight ahead, into the dokkenstraat. At the end of this turn left, and then enter the bat path.
Coming out of the forest we leave The Wisky House on the right and walk towards essene school. Beyond the school you can sometimes admire Scottish highlanders lurking on the left over the hedge, while on Sunday morning the dogs are training with sheep ...
We continue to follow this, now unpaved, road until the end and then walk right again towards Asbeek. At the T-junction past the farm turn left, and then turn right again towards the church square.


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