Landscape Window - 2.5 km / 2.5 mi

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2.53 km
43 m

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Informació de la ruta

950 visites | Pública | FrancèsNeerlandès

Última verificació: 21 abril 2023
Traduït per Azure

Descripció de l'autor

Welcome to the nature trail 'Window on the landscape'. The walk starts at De Helix, a Flemish knowledge and training centre for nature and the environment of the Flemish government.
The trail is indicated by sticks with orange triangles and orange numbers and an arrow indicating the direction of the walk. The route is also indicated on the information panel in front of the farm and also at the back of the available hiking booklet. We guide you through nature actively for an hour and a half. Not only are the fauna and flora examined, but you also consider nature management and the cultural and historical aspects of the environment. The Helix opens the window to the landscape. Have a great hike!


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Aquesta ruta en la seva pàgina web

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