Herbeumont Tombeau du Chevalier (meander) (5km)

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5 km
191 m

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12911 visites | Pública | FrancèsNeerlandès

Última verificació: 21 abril 2023
Traduït per Azure

Descripció de l'autor

This 5km loop is located along the right bank of one of the most tortuous meanders of the Semois. An alternative and recommended for hikers, runners or mountain bikers who are looking for a fairly "flat" route in the steeply sloping area around Herbeumont.

A perfect loop for families with children who want an easy trip in the forest and along the Semois where you can play in the water or along the edge of the sloping forest. Regular tingling on the east and west sides of the meander and roe deer followed
on the Semois.
Also for older hikers who are not looking for the heavy slopes and peace and quiet in nature, and who want to make a quiet terrace afterwards, this is a dream trail.

The signed GPX starts on the north side of the Moulain Willaime campsite-farm-watermill (cul-de-sac along the Semois). (There are a few parking spaces outside the campsite). Initially, simply follow the Semois, then climb briefly to a crossroads of several paths. There, turn left and continue to follow the Semois on your left. After less than 4km, you will return to this place.
Then, don't take the path you came from (unless you prefer to take the shortest path to your starting point from there), but follow the paved road which stays at about the same height. You go a little further to a point of view. Then turn right onto the paved road to Moulain Willaime, where you can enjoy a delicious Orval or a soft drink or hot chocolate.

Did you know that at the intersection of your departure and arrival route (the meander pass), the Semoismeander is less than 190 meters from each other to your left and right?

If you want to do the trail at the back of the Knight's Tomb, choose the Bolt: https://www.routeyou.com/nl/route/view/1009599/wandelroute-herbeumont-tombeau-du-chevalier-boult-5km.nl
This loop can also be done with children. This route is such that the first kilometer of the loop is climbed to the summit, stays on your back for some time, and then goes through a slow descent to the south of the Boult to continue following the Semois.


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