GR 11 - Stage 14: Refugio de l'Illa - Encamp

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Drets d'autor: Creative Commons 2.0

15.4 km
163 m

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Informació de la ruta

626 visites | Pública | EspanyolNeerlandès

Última verificació: 21 abril 2023
Traduït per Azure

Descripció de l'autor

Fourteenth stage of the GR 11. The GR 11 was approved as a main route (LAW) in 1985 and connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Cantabrian Sea through the southern slope of the Pyrenees. Of the 800 km in total length, 375 km run through Catalonia and 40 km through Andorra, crossing exceptional protected areas such as the Natural Park of Cap de Creus, the Sierra de La Albera, the Alta Garrotxa, the sources of the Ter and the Freser, the Natural Park of l'Alt Pirineu and the National Park of Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. The walk through the Pyrenees through the GR 11 route - the Transpirinenca - is considered one of the best walks on the planet. Landscapes, nature and history move us day after day and make the Transpirinenca one of the most special adventures of our lives!


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