The Offaly Way

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Informació de la ruta

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Descripció de l'autor

The Offaly Way (Irish: Slí Uíbh Fhailí) is a long-distance trail in County Offaly, Ireland. It is 37 kilometres (23 miles) long and begins in Cadamstown and ends at Lemanaghan, on the R436 road between the towns of Clara and Ferbane. It is typically completed in two days. It is designated as a National Waymarked Trail by the National Trails Office of the Irish Sports Council and is managed by Offaly County Council, Bord na Mona and the Offaly Integrated Development Company. The trail provides a link between the Slieve Bloom Way and the Grand Canal Way.

More info on Wikipedia Wikipedia and Openstreetmap.
Inspired by OSM.

Roads help
Appropriateness as Hiking route: 0 comment
Paved: Paved (26.15% - 10 km unpaved)
Traffic load: traffic (low traffic)
Noise pollution: noise

Landscape Characteristics help
Nature landscape: nature
Urbanized area: urban
Near water: water

Dominant direction(gdir) help
dir:28% dir:19% dir:19% dir:17%

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