Lyonnais II: Yzeron and Mont du Lyonnais

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39.7 km
780 m

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2084 visites | Pública | Francès

Última verificació: 3 març 2023

Descripció de l'autor

A shorter ride featuring some nice climbs and landscapes in the Mont du Lyonnais. From Maison Blanche you will climb to the Col de la Croix du Ban using deserted roads. After a descend you arrive in some smaller villages doted with winefields. Soon after this you climb to the Col de la Luère and from here you continue climbing to the hamlet of St-Bonnet-le-Froid. After a slight descend you arive at Col de Malval and from here it is again uphill through the forest. After reaching ca 835 meter you will gradually descend to arrive at the village of Yzeron. From here on its all descending to the starting point, taking the nice Yzeron valley. Due to the bad pavement quality and the many curves it will take some time to arrive back at Maison Blanche.

Large stretches of this road are situated in extended forests which are very nice in autumn! Stunning views are offered from the different cols, and especially from St-Bonnet-le-Froid.
This is not a mountain route, but expect a lot of climbing, often at 6-7%.


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