Amme, Estonia

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8.64 km
11 m

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Informació de la ruta

78 visites | Pública

Última verificació: 30 novembre 2022

Descripció de l'autor

River Amme starts from Lake Kuremaa and flows into River Emajõgi, being ~64 km long. Its average width is 8 m, depth 0,3-0,5m. The speed of the current varies: 0,01-0 m/s. River bottom is mainly rocky-gravely. River Amme is suitable for canoeing and kayaking, level of difficulty accommodates families and friends who wish to spend a nice day in the wild but also those who wish to exercise a bit. A recommended starting point is at Amme Grill and end point in Ammeluha . On the road you can stop in Vasula . From Amme Grill to River Emajõgi, the river is generally cleaned out of fallen trees, which makes traveling comfortable. Those traveling by boat can organize their own trip and movement schedule. Upstream from Amme Grill, the river can be a bit more difficult to pass through (fallen trees).
Boats hire operators:
Matkajuht OÜ (Inflatables/Canoe) (+372) 5667 8113


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