To the Illhorn and Schwarzhorn

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13 km
946 m

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608 visites | Pública | AlemanyFrancèsItalià

Última verificació: 18 abril 2023

Descripció de l'autor

From Chandolin to the Illhorn above the Rhone valley to the rocky mountain Schwarzhorn.

Above Chandolin lies the Illhorn, a mountain with an amazing view over the Rhone valley and Val d'Anniviers. The Illhorn is the first of two summits in this guide, from the Illhorn we head to a small lake, Lac Noir, where you can rest a bit before climbing up the rocky Schwarzhorn. When returning, you can make a little stop at Cabane d'Illhorn and get a taste of a local brewed beer.

Starting point:
Centre of the village of Chandolin in Val d'Anniviers

Mountain summits:
- Illhorn 2716m
- Schwarzhorn 2790m

The path is everywhere good visible but only at the Schwarzhorn it is very rocky and you'll need to follow the blue paint strokes on the rocks to make it to the top.
Due to the altitude of the hike we recommend to do this hike when there's good weather and the freezing level above 3000m (if lower, snow can make it much more difficult!).


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