GR16 Sentier de la Semois: Mortehan - Florenville

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Font: Tombeau du Chevalier

39.6 km
691 m

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Informació de la ruta

3023 visites | Pública | FrancèsNeerlandès

Última verificació: 21 abril 2023
Traduït per Azure

Descripció de l'autor

The Semois is one of the most beautiful rivers in Belgium and runs along one of the most famous trails in Belgium, namely the GR16 or also known as the GR AE of the time.
This tour follows the GR road from Mortehan to Florenville where we make the transition from the typical slate region of Mortehan with the wooded surroundings to the more rural hilly region of Chassepierre and Florenville.

The description of the route is simple since it is a GR route, it is well marked with the known red and white signs. The paths are also in good condition, the only downside is that there are several kilometers of paved road, which makes the whole thing a little less fun. Nevertheless, the forest sections are very sublime, especially the part between Chassepierre and Florenville is worth it with a more adventurous path that bites your teeth after 30km.

Total length: 40km
Total up: 895m

Departure point Camping Les Ochay, Mortehan
End point: Florenville centre

- It's a long journey, so leave very early.
- Make sure you have return transport from Florenville to Mortehan.
- You will not come across shops along the way for supplies, bring enough drinks and food (at least 3l of water)
- In summer, you walk well in the sun for a long time, make sure you have a good sunscreen


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